Kaitlyn & Logan

April 2, 2022

Meet my sister, Kaitlyn. My BEST friend in the whole wide world. I cannot even begin to express my love for this girl! Besides being absolutely gorgeous, having a great personality and the biggest heart, she is also incredibly talented! Even though she is my little sister, I find myself looking up to her on most days. I am always asking her for advice on creative projects or which shirt I should buy. I am so blessed to be related to this amazing human!

So naturally.. the man that would one day sweep her off her feet would have some very high expectations to live up to! I am sure my sister had her own checklist for her dream man, but he was going to have to pass mine as well.

Luckily, she found that in (her now hubby), Logan. I was over the moon when he proposed to my sister! We had the best time running through the desert and smiling so long that our cheeks hurt. They are literally too perfect for each other, and I was so grateful to get to third wheel around with them for a day.